Wild About Blockchain Architecture

We’re here today to try and understand Blockchain Architecture in full swing. The blockchain-based decentralized platform has been around since its inception in 1991 has invented a tool to timecode immutably digital documents and then the mysterious party Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 invented cryptocurrency as we know today the first layer blockchain-based Bitcoin.

Billy McDavid
3 min readJun 1, 2021

For me only recently this makes everything else that is going on in the world just a bit more bearable. The feeling of awe and new beginnings is something unique as I lead, dwell, exist, survive and spend my life exploring, reading, writing about, and educating myself on the adversarial future international coming blockchain landscape. The dawn chorus has well passed and the blockchain world-dominant development continues to burn like a fuse not immune to its imbalances, a type II supernova computing platform.

But how does blockchain achieve this core characteristic of decentralization, accountability, and security? This technique can improve operational efficiency and save costs significantly.

