My Blockchain Learning Odyssey-Drop Everything Pre-emption and Uncertainty

Billy McDavid
2 min readMay 4, 2023

If you have ever wrestled with a system in a state of thrashing- and if you’ve ever been in such a state- then you might be curious about the Blockchain Technology getting out.

Blockchain technology is a revolutionary concept that has been making waves across various industries. As a result, there has been an increase in demand for blockchain tutors. My journey as a blockchain tutor has been an exciting and fulfilling one.

To begin with, I had to gain knowledge and expertise in blockchain technology. This involved learning about the basics of blockchain, including its history, structure, and underlying principles. I also had to learn about the different types of blockchains, such as public and private blockchains, and their applications in various industries.

After gaining the necessary knowledge, I had to start building my tutoring skills. This involved learning how to communicate complex concepts in a simple and understandable manner. I also had to develop my teaching style to suit different types of learners.

One of the challenges I faced as a blockchain tutor was keeping up with the constantly evolving nature of blockchain technology. New developments and advancements were being made regularly, and it was important for me to stay…

