May the Blockchain Force Be With You

Billy McDavid
3 min readMay 26, 2021

The financial enterprise increasingly has been telling us there is a Decentralized presence on the Blockchain stage.

Networks drive the Blockchain narrative. They tell its various actors, from secured business networks, shared operating models, more efficient processes, reduced costs, and new products and services in banking and finance. How to links services together and creates better customer services, things that would otherwise seem inexplicable. The six fundamental forces/benefits of Blockchain finance, transparency, instant settlements, audit trail, programmability, trust, and security. The benefit of each of these digital tools; transparency is the outlier impacting finance with authenticity, ownership, and efficiency. Yet, transparency, described by the fintech times “can make it very challenging to implement blockchain processes following the new Data Protection Directive”, blockchains space-and-time warping general theory based on cost reduction, economic benefits, and innovation.

Problem number two banking and lending with their antiquated technologies and slow-paper-based, complex processes, with the observation that payments require and involve many parties and ledgers, high costs, and operational risks. In the centralized finance ecosystem paper and monetary transactions exert slow outdated ancient systems; the simplest banking lending…

